Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Post Script:
I just finished writing the conclusion to the Computer Conspiracy, I Have Been Hacked. Much to my amazement I got an email from one of my readers expressing their disgust at the goggle lady for being such a wimp, and changing her email address after I posted it for my readers. I wanted to give them the opportunity to write to the Google Lady and express their feelings on the terrible crimes she and her friends committed. One of my readers sent me an email asking me to post the e-mail they tried to send her.

 I just read article The Computer Conspiracy written by tlauren. I admire tlauren for writing such a great article about the despicable acts you and your friends committed. It is apparent that you don't have a conscious.
I think it is amazing that she was able to provide her readers with a vivid account of what took place in twenty four months in her life. I commend her for posting your IP and email address, so that we the readers can express our utter discuss for what you did.”
                                                                        Rod Underwood

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Computer Conspiracy

                                          The Computer Conspiracy
Part two. The Conclusion to The Computer Conspiracy. I have Been Hacked.
When I went back to have the security system and the Virgin Airway 2go card downloaded on to my new computer I met the manager of the store.. Oh my god the manager was the nicest guy. We started talking and when he heard all the problems I was having with the hackers on my home network he suggested that I use the store’s wi-fi system to do my writing. The manager said that their Internet system was as secure as you can get. He also said that if I should run into a problem the tech there could help me out. I was overjoyed. They set me up with a desk of my own to work on. It was a site to see, I was right in the middle of the store… When people walked by they looked surprised to see me. Some of the people thought I worked there. The best part of it was I felt safe! If the hackers followed me there, as they had a habit of doing I could have the tech help me with the problem.

Now I was on my way, I began to type my article. I worked all day writing without taking a break. I loved what I doing. The best part of it was that I was finally going to finish the article I had longed to write. From the time the hackers found out about the article they tried to stop me. They felt threatened

I had first started writing the article 6 mo ago and I had typed it on our old computer thinking that I was safe. I found out later that the hackers found the old computer and setup on it just as they had done on our other computers. The difference was the old computer couldn’t hook up to the Internet, so how did they see the old computer to begin with. Now I knew they had read my article and were less than pleased about me exposing them. I had really become a threat, so they watched me like a hack. Everywhere I went that I touched a computer they were there letting me know. The Blindman would always take control of the keyboard and mess up my writing.

One day when I was talking to the manager of the office store, he asked me if it were possible that the hackers were on the computer when I got it. .The thought had never occurred to me, but I remembered that the last time I was at Best Buy and I was typing on one their computers I found the same thing happening to me, the letters would get scrambled. Now it all made sense. I could see that the hackers were in Best Buys system. Maybe the hackers were on my old computer when I bought it at Best Buy.

By now I had identified several ways they were able to access my computer. 1. Remotely, by signing on as the Executive Administrator. 2. By signing up the remote desktop in my name. The remote desktop, could move things on or off the computer with the help of the window’s briefcase. 3. By installing a coexistent type 2 modem in the computer. In this way they could call the computer over a vpn (dialing over the network). 3. By signing on as a host using the MMC, (Microsoft management console) 4. I also found out someone was posing as my as my husband and called Microsoft asking for personal information about me and my computer. The unfortunate part of this was Microsoft gave this person the information they requested. I am sure it was the Blindman on Keyboard that made the phone call. He and the Google Lady were the ones in the network that knew the most about me. . 5. I believe they know the OS number of my computer. (That is the number of the operating system the manufacturer gives to each computer) 6. I found an article on line called IT Inform security penetration, which tells how hackers can use all kinds of tools to break into networks and computers.

My best friend called me after reading my article and becoming very concerned. She said she had spoken to other people who had similar problems, not as serious as mine, and they gave her the name of a, (so -called) full proof service that could get rid of hackers. She gave me the name and the phone number of the service… The name is iyogi. I looked it up on the computer, only to find out that the company behind it is Microsoft. I called them with the idea that I would give them the benefit of doubt in coming up with a solution. The only solution they could offer me was to change the settings on the computer. I informed them that I had already done that, and I felt that the only thing that would work would be to change the OS number of the computer. They said that couldn’t be done.

Over the next several months when ever I used the computer I made it a practice to go through the operating system at least tree times each time I had the computer turned on. In this way I could check to see if they had made any changes to my settings. Several times I found that they had gotten a hold of a couple of my e-mail names and passwords. They put them in the vault of the operating system in the computer in the hope of using them to get on to the computer. When ever that occurred I had one of the techs at the office store delete the passwords and run a quick check through the operating system to see if there were any other changes that had been made.

By now I was use to the different ways they used to get on to the computer. In the past I had thought that by removing the hard drive I could keep them off the computer. I found out different. I spent hours experimenting with the old computer we have in our house. I am surprised it still runs. I did everything to it from removing the hard drive, and the battery to deleting things I had no business deleting. I make it a practice to never keep the battery on the new computer because that was one of their favorite ways of getting on. They would change my computer setting and get on when the computer was in sleep mode.

Being at the office store with the computer techs was like being in private school. I felt like they were all my teachers. I began to soak up everything I could possibly learn from them. I was a computer tech in training. I loved it. I got up every morning at 5am and got dressed and left the house by 6:30am. I would go to my favorite coffee hang out where they had a wifi, and join the other people that were there for the same reason. Then after a couple of hours I would go to what I called my office. The neighborhood office store was my office and I stayed there the rest of the day.

As time, went on I began to feel more secure with using the new computer. With the fact that I knew I had the techs at the office store in case I had a problem and a subscription to the Office Depot Solutions, where I could call a tech 24/7, I felt I could finally pursue my dream of writing.

The Blindman continues to follow me. I am beginning to think he really likes me and just likes to bother me, which is something he does constantly. The difference is I have learned to accept the situation until I can find someone who can track the hackers down. In the meantime I won’t stop being the computer detective that I have become.

What you have just read is all true; some people might call it fiction. I am living with it and I can’t wait until the day I can finally get my hands on the Blindman on Keyboard. I promised him and the Google Lady that I will see to it that justice is done. Cyber crime is a federal offence and we as people deserve a safer computing experience.


PS 5/10
I just got am email from on the first Segment of The Computer Conspiracy telling me that someone left me a comment. Wordpress is asking me what I want to do with the comment. After reading the comment and finding out it is from the Google Lady I sent them a message to trash it. She wrote me saying, “I read your Email’s.” For the record I am posting her IP and email address for everyone to see. The IP address is and her email is If anyone has anything they want to say to her about what she and her friends have done, be my guest. I on the other hand will not give her the power of even thinking that she deserves to leave a message in the way of a comment to my article. I am only willing to use the message as a way of exposing her.

The Computer Conspiracy

                                     The Computer Conspiracy
Part two
I thought  I was finished with this article, but here I am writing what I now know to be Part Two of The Computer Conspiracy. I hadn’t even had the chance to do anything with the first three segments when the hackers got on to the laptop that Dell sent me for a replacement. The hackers completely took over my old computer. Dell Computers decided  with everything that had happened it was a complete loss.

FLASH BACK: 2mo ago; After all I did to reinstall windows, and finding just the right person to do it with the hackers got into the bios of the computer and tied it up with passwords so I could no longer use it. Dell decided to replace my computer with a new one. I was some what depressed at the thought of losing my old friend my first computer, but at the same time is would become the first time I was able to use a computer that worked properly.

After what seemed like a long three weeks of waiting my new computer arrived at the door steep via UPS. I ripped open the box to find a shiny new black studio Dell laptop. I could only utter one word OSM. I could barely believe my eyes. It was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen, and it was mine. I placed it on the dining room table and all I could do was look at it. My husband came home from work to find that I hadn’t even turned the computer on. He wanted to see what it looked like turned on and I kept saying wait, I was petrified. I guess in the back of my mind all I could think of was what the hackers had done to my old computer. Before I could say another word my husband hit the turn on button. Much to my shock nothing happened, it would not turn on. I called Dell Computers right away and told them what had happened. They said they would send a technician out to our house to save me several more weeks of waiting.

I began asking myself if I was ever going to get this computer experience going. A couple of weeks went by and Damian the Dell technician finally arrived at our house. He checked the computer out and said that I would have to wait again as he didn’t have the proper part to fix it. By now I had gone to some pretty drastic measures to conceal the new computer. I bought a Virgin Airways 2go card, so when I hooked up to the Internet hopefully the hackers wouldn’t see the computer. I also tried to think of a way to set the computer up on a separate router in out house, my thought was that if I set it up on its own router maybe the hackers wouldn’t recognize it. The problem was my husband probably wouldn’t allow me to do that since he thought that we were on a secure network and I couldn’t convince him that we had hackers.

While the Dell technician and I waited for the parts to arrive I had the opportunity to tell him about the situation with the hackers on our computers and our network. .I warned him not to set the new computer up on our network When I told him I got the feeling he thought I was nuts. In talking to him about the situation he was surprised to find out that I knew what the MMC was. (Short for Microsoft Management Console). He said that information is only for very advanced computer people. I told him I learned about it by following the hackers there.

When the time came the tech set the computer up on our home network, I had not convinced him that the hackers were on it. He told me I would be fine, to go ahead and use the computer and if I had any problems at all to call him and he would come back and fix them I am sure you know what comes next. Yes the hackers got on to my new computer. I tried to call Damian the computer tech to come back to fix the problem. I left messages several times, but he never returned my phone calls. Some geek, the kind that think they know everything and are never open to what just maybe.

A few more weeks went by and I decided that if I took the Windows Vista operating system off the computer, and installed Windows 7 I might get rid of the hackers… Now the search was on to find the right person for the job. Once again I wanted someone who knew what a clean installation was, because I noticed that I already had some file extensions on the new computer. I found the right person at a neighborhood office store. What I didn’t know at the time was this was to become my good fortune. I was going to meet some computer people who knew that I knew what I was talking about when I talked about having hackers on my computer. They could see the changes that the hackers had made on my computer.

I had the Windows 7 operating system installed by the tech I had just met at the office store in my neighborhood. Now the question was how could I turn the computer on so the hackers wouldn’t see it… I couldn’t turn it on at home, because the hackers were on our network. I had already returned the Virgin Air ways 2go card when my husband found out about it, so I decided I need to buy a new one. After all what did I have to lose? Now I needed to get someone to install it for me as well as downloading the security system on my new Windows 7 operating system… I went back to the office store where I had the windows 7 installed and asked the tech there if he could help me out… I was about to get the good fortune of my life.

Tune in with me tlauren for of Part two and the conclusion of The Computer Conspiracy, I Have Been Hacked. Find out the interesting development that takes place when I download Windows 7 on to my new laptop. Who do I meet and what kind of  impact does this person have on my life..



PS 5/10

I just got am email from Word on the first Segment of The Computer Conspiracy telling me that someone left me a comment. Word press is asking me what I want to do with the comment. After reading the comment and finding out it is from the Google Lady I sent them a message to trash it. She wrote me saying, “I read your Email’s.” For the record I am posting her IP and email address for everyone to see. The IP address is and her email is If anyone has anything they want to say to her about what she and her friends have done, be my guest. I on the other hand will not give her the power of even thinking that she deserves to leave a message in the way of a comment to my article. I am only willing to use the message as a way of exposing her.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Continued from segment two
Sometimes I would go into my office online in the one they call One Note.I would follow the commands I found written down from one of their previous meetings to see if I could mess them up. I was angry that I couldn’t have the computer to myself. One afternoon the Google Lady followed me there. I wrote her a note telling her how much I had learned about hacking from her. I told her that hacking is a federal crime punishable by time in jail. I promised her that I would see to it that she and her friends got caught. That made her real mad. She wrote me back and said that she was going to tell everyone that I was passing porn. I laughed. I told her I am a Registered Nurse and that the people who knew me would never believe the rumor. I decided the Ultimate Office had to go even if I had to sacrifice using it myself. I didn’t want my computer to be part of the conspiracy of stealing from Microsoft. I deleted the office and I began getting calls from Microsoft asking me when I was going to reinstall the office. I knew it wasn’t Microsoft, but the people in the hackers network that worked at Microsoft.

Now that the hackers knew that I knew about them, the Google Lady proceeded to take over my computer. She downloaded Explorer 8 and attached my e-mail accounts to her so she could control everything coming in and going out of my mail. She also made it a place for the people in the network to leave their messages. She set up folders with information about me and my computer in them. I found her files and folders all over my windows from my document files to my music library. She even used space in my video files. In one folder alone I found sixty files. I had to start keeping all my files off the computer I kept them in notebooks. I had one for documents, one for contacts, one for passwords, one for office, and so on.

One afternoon when I was trying to find out what was on Explorer 7, quite by accident I came upon seventy five names of people in the Google Lady’s network. They listed their e-mail address as well as their age and in some cases where they worked in Microsoft. I decided to keep the information I collected on the hackers in safety deposit boxes with friends around the country so it would be difficult for the hackers to trace even if they wanted to.

I finally got tired of them having me tied up where the phone is concerned. I figured out how to call out without being connected to the call center. I would simply cut off my husbands computer connection to the Internet and put his computer on standby. I noticed if the green lights were blinking on the Dlink modem they were on the computer. If the lights were at a stand still they couldn’t get on. I also cut the power off to the printer and fax machine, I found six people from the hackers network were using our printer and fax machine. My husband asked me why I was using the printer so much. He noticed that the ink was being used up to fast. I told him I wasn’t using the printer, but he didn’t believe me.

A couple of months went by with the usual daily clean up and me chasing after the hackers. Then one afternoon I was trying to open up some hidden files and folders when by accident I opened up an operating file. My computer said, "ERROR CODE 0x80070057"."The parameter is incorrect." "The clock has stopped." I called Dell’s technical support department and they said I would have to send my computer in to be repaired. While my computer was gone, I decided to write this article. I only had an old computer of my husbands to type on. It didn’t even have an H key that worked or an Internet connection, but I was just  happy that I could use it at all. I worked day and night writing until I was satisfied with what I read back to myself. I had to wait until my computer came back and then I planned to reinstall windows and type my article. The best part of writing the article on the old computer was the hackers were not on it and I had it to myself.

It seemed like my computer was gone forever. I was delighted to get it back. Dell replaced the mother board and the hard drive. They sent the old hard drive back with the new one. I found out later that there was nothing wrong with the old hard drive. I was glad because I had the hackers all over it, and the evidence about them on it. The very afternoon I got the computer back the neighbor boy and I reinstalled a fresh copy of windows. Not two hours after my windows were installed when I looked at my computer all lit up, yes the hackers were back and they backed up all their data on my newly installed windows.

Over the next several months I tried several times to reinstall windows as well as my network, which was another thing they were constantly stealing. Then, one afternoon while I was on the Internet and signed into Microsoft’s online safety, I noticed someone wrote in saying they were having a problem with accessing their computer. I recognized the Google Lady was writing under an assumed name and she was talking about my computer. This is a direct copy of what she wrote.

"I have trouble accessing my laptop which is running Vista Home Premium. It keeps saying it  doesn't recongnize my password which I just used only minutes before hand. I know my caps lock button isn't on. When I reboot my computer I login to my administrative account with no problem. It happens when my laptop goes to sleep on my password or my screen  saver goes on.
                                                                             Sakeopete 8/24/@12:11am"

I began having more than the usual problems with the computer. It seemed like there were more than a dozen connections that were not working. I took my computer up to Best Buy again to have the Geek Squad look at it because once again my Internet connection was disabled and I couldn’t get Dell’s technical support on without it. The Geek Squad said that all my connections had been disabled and I had over thirty errors in the device manager. They said the only thing I could do at this point was to reinstall windows

A couple of weeks went by and I was planning to reinstall windows I just needed to find someone who understood what a low level installation was. It seemed that everyone that assured me that they knew what a low level installation was, didn’t know at all and I was just going through the motions of reinstalling for nothing. Then all of a sudden I was in another go around with the Blindman on Keyboard and the Google Lady. I switched user accounts on the computer and went to the user side only to fine the remote desktop open and working. I used Fahukam as the name and default for the password and I was in. I found my briefcase loaded up with my operating system ready to be taken right off the computer and on to the Google Lady’s computer. I found out that she only had windows XP and she wanted in the worst way to get hold of my windows Vista Home Premium. Before I could stop her I saw my windows go off the computer right before my eyes. She replaced it with her windows XP. Now I had to reinstall windows.

I finally found the right person for the job at least he sounded like he knew what I needed. He sent me a hard drive with the operating system already on it and together we reinstalled windows. I finally had some time to go back through what was now twenty four months of evidence. I came upon the page once again that had the seventy five names of people in the Google Lady’s network, when I thought I was looking for what was on Explorer 7. Much to my shock I realized it wasn’t Explorer 7 I had written down; I had written down Windows 7. Now it all made sense, the pieces of the puzzle were fitting together. The people in the hackers network were stealing documents from Microsoft on Windows 7.

This article you just read is all true. The hackers are still in our home and on three of our computers as well as our network. They continue to tap our phone remotely. Microsoft has on record that my computer has been hacked. Dell Computers has also made a record of my computer being hacked. I am publishing this article in the hope that the Government and Microsoft will take notice and go after the hackers. I can’t play Nancy Drew any longer, I am only one person. I have called the cyber crime division of the Secret Service in Los Angeles Ca. only to be told to go out and buy a new computer. I find this answer to a bad situation completely unacceptable. To the people who read this article please stand up and be heard with me. Let us make our government make our airways safer for a better computing experience.

May The Good People Walk In Peace.


uter. The very first time I opened up an internet account I opened it up in Google. I had this women on my webpage tell me she was my webmaster. What did I know I never had this experience before. I was in for a rude awakening.

'I told my husband about this women. My husband said, "the computer doesn't talk to you." I said, "I know,but there is this women on my gmail webpage and whenever I ask a question in the search bar she always writes back to me with an answer ". Before long the (Google Lady), for whom I nicknamed, began telling me what I could do and what I couldn’t do. I decided to call Google’s administrative office and ask them if it were possible for me to have a webmaster. They confirmed I did not.

I should have closed my account while I could. It seemed that although I knew she didn’t belong there I couldn’t get rid of her. Google also confirmed that she didn’t work for them. If she didn’t work for Google then why was she even in their building ? There were to many questions that I could not answer and in the mean time this women insisted she worked for Google. It never occurred to me that she might be a hacker.

I tried to let go of the situation so I wouldn’t get stressed out. After all, I still had a hotmail account. Then one day my hotmail account got hacked into. They only stole a couple of my contacts but the problem was the contacts they stole were businesses. I contacted the businesses right away to let them know what had happened, so whomever did it, could be stopped before they could charge a number of items up. I didn’t have to worry about getting charged myself, as I made it a practice never to charge anything online.

A few months went by without incident by the Google Lady, who would do things to me like take away my favorite webpage and tell me I couldn’t have it back unless I bargained for something she wanted in return. I always got back what ever she messed up thanks to the technical team at Internet Explorer.

One day I caught the Google Lady taking my files and putting them in folders. I told her I wanted them back. She told me, I couldn’t have them back unless I put them in one of four places of her choosing. I told her she was crazy and that I was going to report her to Microsoft’s PC safety department. By now with all the things she had done Microsoft’s PC safety department wanted me to write a letter to IC3.GOV. I wrote my letter and when I went to send it, the Google Lady deleted the address and put the Addison Jewelry Company in it’s place. Much to my shock, the Addison Jewelry Company was one of the contacts that was stolen from my hotmail account. Now I knew it was the Google Lady who hacked into my hotmail account.

I opened up a yahoo account just so I could have a place I could call my own; a place where I could go and write. I only had the account open for two days when on the second day I went to sign in and I couldn’t get in. I wrote yahoo and told them I was having a problem signing in. They asked me to verify my birthday. I told them and they said I was wrong. They asked me what my zip code was, I told them and again they said I was wrong. Now I had a case of identity theft. Computing was turning out to be a very stressful experience for me. I filed all the proper papers you need to file for identity theft and contacted the FBI and the credit services .

One day when I called Microsoft regarding a case number I had pending they recited the name and telephone number that they had attached to that case. I realized they had gotten me mixed up with the girl that stole my yahoo account. I played dumb and said, yes I am that girl. After all that was my case number. Now I had the name and phone number of the girl who stole my yahoo account. I called the girl’s phone number and just said identity theft and hung up. The next day all my files were messed up on my webpage. I am sure it was a direct result of the phone call I made the day before. I later find out that this girl is friends with the Google Lady.

Much to my surprise I got a new office program from Microsoft.They game me the MS professional office.I really liked it. I could use it for three months and then if I really liked it I could buy it. One day when I was in the second month of my new office my husband came home with a gift for me. It was the Microsoft Ultimate Office. I was so excited. The Ultimate Office has ten different modules, including a publishers office. Since I wanted to write, I thought this would be perfect for me. Little did I know that this was the beginning of the end to what the Google Lady was about to do to me.

All of a sudden I heard little clicks on the telephone. It seemed like someone was listening in on my conversations. I called the phone company to ask them what I could do about the situation. They said they could send someone out to check the phone lines but they would have to charge us for a service call of sixty dollars. Just my luck they would probably not find a tap on the phone and I was sure there was one.

There were a few other strange things that happened around the same time frame. I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and if we signed up for high speed broadband with AT&T he could assure me a very secure connection to our network. I also got a letter from Yahoo AT&T stating that we were to start high speed broadband service with them the very next day. I called Yahoo AT&T and told that I had not signed up with them nor did I plan to. The following day I received a router via FedEX with a letter from AT&T telling me to call and make an appointment to have the router installed for high speed broadband. Whoever was doing this didn’t know that we already had high speed broadband from Time Warner.

One evening, I was getting ready to use my computer to write off line when I noticed the computer was turned on. I opened the lid and much to my surprise I saw this meeting taking place in my office online in the one they call One Note. In One Note you can send information any where in the world in one note. I sat there and took six pages of notes while I watched this meeting taking place. The person in charge of the meeting was telling the people he wanted them to recruit one person from each department within Microsoft for their network. The purpose of the network was to steal Microsoft documents. He proceeded to tell them what kind of information he wanted and how to go about collecting it while they were in a Microsoft meeting. They were all given a task to do and a date to have it done by. In the second part of the meeting they were told to learn different ways to share files and which method would be best used to share files with other people in the network. They were also instructed to find a laptop that they love for the purpose of stealing the

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Computer Conspiracy
8;00 am

Continued from segment one
Much to my surprise I got a new office program from Microsoft.They game me the MS professional office.  I could use it for three months and then if I really liked it I could buy it. One day when I was in the second month of my new office my husband came home with a gift for me. It was the Microsoft Ultimate Office. I was so excited. The Ultimate Office has ten different modules, including a publishers office. Since I wanted to write, I thought this would be perfect for me. Little did I know that this was the beginning of the end to what the Google Lady was about to do to me.

All of a sudden I heard little clicks on the telephone. It seemed like someone was listening in on my conversations. I called the phone company to ask them what I could do about the situation. They said they could send someone out to check the phone lines but they would have to charge us for a service call of sixty dollars. Just my luck they would probably not find a tap on the phone and I was sure there was one.

There were a few other strange things that happened around the same time frame. I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and if we signed up for high speed broadband with AT&T he could assure me a very secure connection to our network. I also got a letter from Yahoo AT&T stating that we were to start high speed broadband service with them the very next day. I called Yahoo AT&T and told that I had not signed up with them nor did I plan to. The following day I received a router via FedEX with a letter from AT&T telling me to call and make an appointment to have the router installed for high speed broadband. Whoever was doing this didn’t know that we already had high speed broadband from Time Warner.

One evening, I was getting ready to use my computer to write off line when I noticed the computer was turned on. I opened the lid and much to my surprise I saw this meeting taking place in my office online in the one they call One Note. In One Note you can send information any where in the world in one note. I sat there and took six pages of notes while I watched this meeting taking place. The person in charge of the meeting was telling the people he wanted them to recruit one person from each department within Microsoft for their network. The purpose of the network was to steal Microsoft documents. He proceeded to tell them what kind of information he wanted and how to go about collecting it while they were in a Microsoft meeting. They were all given a task to do and a date to have it done by. In the second part of the meeting they were told to learn different ways to share files and which method would be best used to share files with other people in the network. They were also instructed to find a laptop that they love for the purpose of stealing the Windows operating system off of it for their own use. He went on to explain the specifications to look for and said the ones that were needed were only in Vista Home Premium, Vista Business, and Vista Ultimate. They were given a list of things to copy from the Windows operating system to make it look authentic in order to register it online.

At the time, because I was knew at the computer, a lot of what I saw and copied down didn’t make much since to me. A year later, when I went back and read all the material I collected, I could see that the plan to steal the Windows operating system off my computer was there from the beginning, I just didn’t know it. In the meantime they were planning to use me and my computer as a gateway, a place to store documents, a meeting place, and a place for their members to leave messages for each other and for the head of the  network.

A couple of weeks went by and I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and he had a work order to come out and check our phone lines. He said his work order stated that I called the phone company and said I thought my phone was being taped. I said yes that was true but I did not request anyone to come out and I did not want him to check the lines. I said we were not in a position to pay for a service call at the moment. He said he was not going to charge us for a service call. The RED FLAG just went up. When have you ever heard of AT&T not charging for a service call.? He said he was coming out anyway. Before I could say another word the man hung up the phone on me. I was so upset by his actions that I called the local police department and told them what had occurred. They were kind enough to send a policeman out to the house. When the AT&T man showed up I asked to see his work order. He looked irritated at my asking, but since the policeman was standing next to me, he gave it to me. I took the work order and made a copy of it. I wouldn‘t let him come into the house so he went around the house to check the phone lines and when he returned he said our phone lines were clear. If our phone was not taped before he was there, I knew they were taped after he left. I had a difficult time calling out the rest of the afternoon and had to use the neighbor‘s phone. Now we were connected to a call center. Whenever I tried to call AT&T, Time Warner, Dell‘s technical support or Linksys, I got connected to a call center where the same people would answer all the time. I began to recognize their voices. I started asking them questions directly related to the previous call I had made to the company to see if they could give me the correct answer, they never could.

One evening my husband called our Internet company, at least he thought he was calling Time Warner. I didn't want to try to convince him he wasn't talking to Time Warner so I just listened. The reason for his call was his computer would connect to the Internet but mine wouldn’t. The call center told him I broke my wlan card. We took my computer to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad tell us what was wrong with it. My husband told them Time Warner said that I broke my wlan card. They said I couldn’t break my wlan card and that my Internet connection had been disabled. They fixed my computer while we waited The disabling of the Internet connection began to be a regular occurrence except when the. hackers wanted to use it

Sometimes I would be typing on the computer and the keys would feel heavy to the touch and the mouse would feel like a magnet to the desk when I tried to move it around. I discovered that that the hackers were controlling it remotely. I think the person who was manipulating the keyboard is blind because I found all the settings in ease of access had been changed to fit a blind person. The computer shut down when I turned off the power . The hackers had changed my settings to sleep mode when I turned off the power. This is one  way they were able to access my computer and it was done remotely They would gain access while it was in a sleep mode and use my password to get on. Now I had two hackers using my computer. The Blindman on Keyboard and the Google Lady. The Google Lady was the one who fixed all the settings for the Blind man. Eventually the Blind man broke my keyboard and I had to send the computer out to be fixed. While my computer was gone I had some relief. It seemed that all I ever did was chase after the hackers and undo what ever they messed up on my computer.

Tune in with me tlauren for Segment three of The Computer Conspiracy. In segment three you will find out the surprising conclusion. to I Have Been Hacked. Why the Google Lady and her network are stealing the documents from Microsoft, and what the documents hold that is so important to them.

I finally got tired of them having me tied up where the phone is concerned. I figured out how to call out without being connected to the call center. I would simply cut off my husbands computer connection to the internet and put his computer on standby. I noticed if the green lights were blinking on the Dlink modem they were on the computer. If the lights were at a stand still they couldn’t get on. I also cut the power off to the printer and fax machine, I found six people from the network were using our printer and fax machine. My husband asked me why I was using the printer so much. He noticed that the ink was being used up to fast. I told him I wasn’t using the printer, but he didn’t believe me.

A couple of months went by with the usual daily clean up and me chasing after the hackers. Then one afternoon I was trying to open up some hidden files and folders when by accident I opened up an operating file. My computer said, "ERROR CODE 0x80070057".

"The parameter is incorrect." "The clock has stopped." I called Dell’s technical support department and they said I would have to send my computer in to be repaired. While my computer was gone, I decided to write this article. I only had an old computer of my husbands to type on. It didn’t even have an H key that worked or an internet connection, but I was just so happy that I could use it at all. I worked day and night writing until I was satisfied with what I read back to myself. I had to wait until my computer came back and then I planned to reinstall windows and type my article. The best part of writing the article on the old computer was the hackers were not on it and I had it to myself.

It seemed like my computer was gone forever. I was delighted to get it back. Dell replaced the mother board and the hard drive. They sent the old hard drive back with the new one. I found out later that there was nothing wrong with the old hard drive. I was glad because I had the hackers all over it, and the evidence about them on it. The very afternoon I got the computer back the neighbor boy and I reinstalled a fresh copy of windows. Not two hours after my windows were installed when I looked at my computer all lit up, yes the hackers were back and they backed up all their data on my newly installed windows.

Over the next several months I tried several times to reinstall windows as well as my network, which was another thing they were constantly stealing. Then, one afternoon while I was on the internet and signed into Microsoft’s online safety, when I noticed someone wrote in saying they were having a problem with accessing their computer. I recognized the Google Lady was writing under an assumed name and she was talking about my computer. This is a direct copy of what she wrote.

"I have trouble accessing my laptop which is running Vista Home Premium. It keeps saying it doesn’t recognize my password which I just used minutes before hand. I know my caps lock button wasn’t on. When I reboot my computer I log into my administrative account with no problem. It happens when my laptop goes to sleep on my password, or my screen saver comes on.

Sakeopete 8/24/@12:11am"

I began having more than the usual problems with the computer. It seemed like there were more than a dozen connections that were not working. I took my computer up to Best Buy again to have the Geek Squad look at it because once again my internet connection was disabled and I couldn’t get Dell’s technical support on without it. The Geek Squad said that all my connections had been disabled and I had over thirty errors in the device manager. They said the only thing I could do at this point was to reinstall window

A couple of weeks went by and I was planning to reinstall windows I just needed to find someone who understood what a low level installation was. It seemed that everyone that assured me that they knew what a low level installation was, didn’t know at all and I was just going through the motions of reinstalling for nothing. Then all of a sudden I was in another go around with the Blindman on Keyboard and the Google Lady. I switched user accounts on the computer and went to the user side only to fine the remote desktop open and working. I used Fahukam as the name and default for the password and I was in. I found my briefcase loaded up with my operating system ready to be taken right off the computer and on to the Google Lady’s computer. I found out that she only had windows XP and she wanted in the worst way to get hold of my windows Vista Home Premium. Before I could stop her I saw my windows go off the computer right before my eyes. She replaced it with her windows XP. Now I had to reinstall windows.

I finally found the right person for the job at least he sounded like he knew what I needed. He sent me a hard drive with the operating system already on it and together we reinstalled windows. I finally had some time to go back through what was now twenty four months of evidence. I came upon a the page once again that had the seventy five names of people in the Google Lady’s network, when I thought I was looking for what was on Explorer 7. Much to my shock I realized it wasn’t Explorer 7 I had written down; I had written down Windows 7. Now it all made sense, the pieces of the puzzle were fitting together. The people in the hackers network were stealing documents from Microsoft on Windows 7.

This article you just read is all true. The hackers are still in our home and on three of our computers as well as our network. They continue to tap our phone remotely. Microsoft has on record that my computer has been hacked. Dell Computers has also made a record of my computer being hacked. I am publishing this article in the hope that the Government and Microsoft will take notice and go after the hackers. I can’t play Nancy Drew any longer, I am only one person. I have called the cyber crime division of the

Secret Service in Los Angeles Ca. only to be told to go out and buy a new computer. I find this answer to a bad situation completely unacceptable. To the people who read this article please stand up and be heard with me. Let us make our government make our airways safer for a better computing experience.

May The Good People Walk In Pease.


Much to my surprise I got a new office program from Microsoft.They game me the MS professional office.I really liked it. I could use it for three months and then if I really liked it I could buy it. One day when I was in the second month of my new office my husband came home with a gift for me. It was the Microsoft Ultimate Office. I was so excited. The Ultimate Office has ten different modules, including a publishers office. Since I wanted to write, I thought this would be perfect for me. Little did I know that this was the beginning of the end to what the Google Lady was about to do to me.

All of a sudden I heard little clicks on the telephone. It seemed like someone was listening in on my conversations. I called the phone company to ask them what I could do about the situation. They said they could send someone out to check the phone lines but they would have to charge us for a service call of sixty dollars. Just my luck they would probably not find a tap on the phone and I was sure there was one.

There were a few other strange things that happened around the same time frame. I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and if we signed up for high speed broadband with AT&T he could assure me a very secure connection to our network. I also got a letter from Yahoo AT&T stating that we were to start high speed broadband service with them the very next day. I called Yahoo AT&T and told that I had not signed up with them nor did I plan to. The following day I received a router via FedEX with a letter from AT&T telling me to call and make an appointment to have the router installed for high speed broadband. Whoever was doing this didn’t know that we already had high speed broadband from Time Warner.

One evening, I was getting ready to use my computer to write off line when I noticed the computer was turned on. I opened the lid and much to my surprise I saw this meeting taking place in my office online in the one they call One Note. In One Note you can send information any where in the world in one note. I sat there and took six pages of notes while I watched this meeting taking place. The person in charge of the meeting was telling the people he wanted them to recruit one person from each department within Microsoft for their network. The purpose of the network was to steal Microsoft documents. He proceeded to tell them what kind of information he wanted and how to go about collecting it while they were in a Microsoft meeting. They were all given a task to do and a date to have it done by. In the second part of the meeting they were told to learn different ways to share files and which method would be best used to share files with other people in the network. They were also instructed to find a laptop that they love for the purpose of stealing the

Windows operating system off of it for their own use. He went on to explain the specifications to look for and said the ones that were needed were only in Vista Home Premium, Vista Business, and Vista Ultimate. They were given a list of things to copy from the Windows operating system to make it look authentic in order to register it online.

At the time, because I was new at the computer, a lot of what I saw and copied down didn’t make much since to me. A year later, when I went back and read all the material I collected, I could see that the plan to steal Windows off my computer was there from the beginning, I just didn’t know it. In the meantime they were planning to use me and my computer as a gateway, a place to store documents, a meeting place, and a place for their members to leave messages for each other and head of the network.

A couple of weeks went by and I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and he had a work order to come out and check our phone lines. He said his work order stated that I called the phone company and said I thought my phone was being taped. I said yes that was true but I did not request anyone to come out and I did not want him to check the lines. I said we were not in a position to pay for a service call at the moment. He said he was not going to charge us for a service call. The RED flag just went up. When have you ever heard of AT&T not charging for a service call.? He said he was coming out anyway. Before I could say another word the man hung up the phone on me. I was so upset by his actions that I called the local police department and told them what had occurred. They were kind enough to send a policeman out to the house. When the AT&T man showed up I asked to see his work order. He looked irritated at my asking, but since the policeman was standing next to me, he gave it to me. I took the work order and made a copy of it. I wouldn‘t let him come into the house so he went around the house to check the phone lines and when he returned he said our phone lines were clear. If our phone was not taped before he was there, I knew they were taped after he left. I had a difficult time calling out the rest of the afternoon and had to use the neighbor‘s phone. Now we were connected to a call center. Whenever I tried to call AT&T, Time Warner, Dell‘s technical support or Linksys, I got connected to a call center where the same people would answer all the time. I began to recognize their voices. I started asking them questions directly related to the previous call I had made to the company to see if they could give me the correct answer, they never could.

One evening my husband called our internet company, at least he thought he was calling Time Warner. I didn't want to try to convince him he wasn't talking to Time Warner so I just listened. The reason for his call was his computer would connect to the internet but mine wouldn’t. The call center told him I broke my wlan card. We took my computer to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad tell us what was wrong with it. My husband told them Time Warner said that I broke my wlan card. They said I couldn’t break my wlan card and that my internet connection had been disabled. They fixed my computer while we waited The disabling of the internet connection began to be a regular occurrence except when the. hackers wanted to use it

Sometimes I would be typing on the computer and the keys would feel heavy to the touch and the mouse would feel like a magnet to the desk when I tried to move it around. I discovered that that the hackers were controlling it remotely. I think the person who was manipulating the keyboard is blind because I found all the settings in ease of access had been changed to fit a blind person. My computers power settings were set to factory default. The computer shut down when I turned off the power. The hackers had changed my settings to sleep mode when I turned off the power. This is one of the way they were able to access my computer and it was done remotely They would gain access while it was in a sleep mode and use my password to get on. Now I had two hackers using my computer. The Blindman on Keyboard and the Google Lady. The Google Lady was the one who fixed all the settings for the Blindman. Eventually the blind man broke my keyboard and I had to send the computer out to be fixed. While my computer was gone I had some relief. It seemed that all I

ever did was chase after the hackers and undo what ever they messed up on my computer

Sometimes I would go into my office online in the one they call One Note.I would follow the commands I found written down from one of their previous meetings to see if I could mess them up. I was angry that I couldn’t have the computer to myself. One afternoon the Google Lady followed me there. I wrote her a note telling her how much I had learned about hacking from her. I told her that hacking it is a federal crime punishable by time in jail. I promised her that I would see to it that she and her friends got caught. That made her real mad. She wrote me back and said that she was going to tell everyone that I was passing porn. I laughed. I told her I am a Registered Nurse and that the people who knew me would never believe the rumor. I decided the Ultimate Office had to go even if I had to sacrifice using it myself. I didn’t want my computer to be part of the concpiracy of stealing from Microsoft. I deleted the office and I began getting calls from Microsoft asking me when I was going to reinstall the office. I knew it wasn’t Microsoft, but the people in the hackers network that worked at Microsoft.

Now that the hackers knew that I knew about them, the Google Lady proceeded to take over my computer. She downloaded Explorer 8 and attached my e-mail accounts to her so she could control everything coming in and going out of my mail. She also made it a place for the people in the network to leave their messages. She set up folders with information about me and my computer in them. I found her files and folders all over my windows from my document files to my music library. She even used space in my video files. In one folder alone I found sixty files. I had to start keeping all my files off the computer I kept them in notebooks. I had one for documents, one for contacts, one for passwords, one for office, and so on.

One afternoon when I was trying to find out what was on Explorer 7, quite by accident I came upon seventy five names of people in the Google Lady’s network. They listed their e-mail address as well as their age and in some cases where they worked in Microsoft. I decided to keep the information I collected on the hackers in safety deposit boxes with friends around the country so it would be difficult for the hackers to trace even if they wanted to.

I finally got tired of them having me tied up where the phone is concerned. I figured out how to call out without being connected to the call center. I would simply cut off my husbands computer connection to the internet and put his computer on standby. I noticed if the green lights were blinking on the Dlink modem they were on the computer. If the lights were at a stand still they couldn’t get on. I also cut the power off to the printer and fax machine, I found six people from the network were using our printer and fax machine. My husband asked me why I was using the printer so much. He noticed that the ink was being used up to fast. I told him I wasn’t using the printer, but he didn’t believe me.

A couple of months went by with the usual daily clean up and me chasing after the hackers. Then one afternoon I was trying to open up some hidden files and folders when by accident I opened up an operating file. My computer said, "ERROR CODE 0x80070057".

"The parameter is incorrect." "The clock has stopped." I called Dell’s technical support department and they said I would have to send my computer in to be repaired. While my computer was gone, I decided to write this article. I only had an old computer of my husbands to type on. It didn’t even have an H key that worked or an internet connection, but I was just so happy that I could use it at all. I worked day and night writing until I was satisfied with what I read back to myself. I had to wait until my computer came back and then I planned to reinstall windows and type my article. The best part of writing the article on the old computer was the hackers were not on it and I had it to myself.

It seemed like my computer was gone forever. I was delighted to get it back. Dell replaced the mother board and the hard drive. They sent the old hard drive back with the new one. I found out later that there was nothing wrong with the old hard drive. I was glad because I had the hackers all over it, and the evidence about them on it. The very afternoon I got the computer back the neighbor boy and I reinstalled a fresh copy of windows. Not two hours after my windows were installed when I looked at my computer all lit up, yes the hackers were back and they backed up all their data on my newly installed windows.

Over the next several months I tried several times to reinstall windows as well as my network, which was another thing they were constantly stealing. Then, one afternoon while I was on the internet and signed into Microsoft’s online safety, when I noticed someone wrote in saying they were having a problem with accessing their computer. I recognized the Google Lady was writing under an assumed name and she was talking about my computer. This is a direct copy of what she wrote.

"I have trouble accessing my laptop which is running Vista Home Premium. It keeps saying it doesn’t recognize my password which I just used minutes before hand. I know my caps lock button wasn’t on. When I reboot my computer I log into my administrative account with no problem. It happens when my laptop goes to sleep on my password, or my screen saver comes on.

Sakeopete 8/24/@12:11am"

I began having more than the usual problems with the computer. It seemed like there were more than a dozen connections that were not working. I took my computer up to Best Buy again to have the Geek Squad look at it because once again my internet connection was disabled and I couldn’t get Dell’s technical support on without it. The Geek Squad said that all my connections had been disabled and I had over thirty errors in the device manager. They said the only thing I could do at this point was to reinstall window

A couple of weeks went by and I was planning to reinstall windows I just needed to find someone who understood what a low level installation was. It seemed that everyone that assured me that they knew what a low level installation was, didn’t know at all and I was just going through the motions of reinstalling for nothing. Then all of a sudden I was in another go around with the Blindman on Keyboard and the Google Lady. I switched user accounts on the computer and went to the user side only to fine the remote desktop open and working. I used Fahukam as the name and default for the password and I was in. I found my briefcase loaded up with my operating system ready to be taken right off the computer and on to the Google Lady’s computer. I found out that she only had windows XP and she wanted in the worst way to get hold of my windows Vista Home Premium. Before I could stop her I saw my windows go off the computer right before my eyes. She replaced it with her windows XP. Now I had to reinstall windows.

I finally found the right person for the job at least he sounded like he knew what I needed. He sent me a hard drive with the operating system already on it and together we reinstalled windows. I finally had some time to go back through what was now twenty four months of evidence. I came upon a the page once again that had the seventy five names of people in the Google Lady’s network, when I thought I was looking for what was on Explorer 7. Much to my shock I realized it wasn’t Explorer 7 I had written down; I had written down Windows 7. Now it all made sense, the pieces of the puzzle were fitting together. The people in the hackers network were stealing documents from Microsoft on Windows 7.

This article you just read is all true. The hackers are still in our home and on three of our computers as well as our network. They continue to tap our phone remotely. Microsoft has on record that my computer has been hacked. Dell Computers has also made a record of my computer being hacked. I am publishing this article in the hope that the Government and Microsoft will take notice and go after the hackers. I can’t play Nancy Drew any longer, I am only one person. I have called the cyber crime division of the

Secret Service in Los Angeles Ca. only to be told to go out and buy a new computer. I find this answer to a bad situation completely unacceptable. To the people who read this article please stand up and be heard with me. Let us make our government make our airways safer for a better computing experience.

May The Good People Walk In Pease.


uter. The very first time I opened up an internet account I opened it up in Google. I had this women on my webpage tell me she was my webmaster. What did I know I never had this experience before. I was in for a rude awakening.

'I told my husband about this women. My husband said, "the computer doesn't talk to you." I said, "I know,but there is this women on my gmail webpage and whenever I ask a question in the search bar she always writes back to me with an answer ". Before long the (Google Lady), for whom I nicknamed, began telling me what I could do and what I couldn’t do. I decided to call Google’s administrative office and ask them if it were possible for me to have a webmaster. They confirmed I did not.

I should have closed my account while I could. It seemed that although I knew she didn’t belong there I couldn’t get rid of her. Google also confirmed that she didn’t work for them. If she didn’t work for Google then why was she even in their building ? There were to many questions that I could not answer and in the mean time this women insisted she worked for Google. It never occurred to me that she might be a hacker.

I tried to let go of the situation so I wouldn’t get stressed out. After all, I still had a hotmail account. Then one day my hotmail account got hacked into. They only stole a couple of my contacts but the problem was the contacts they stole were businesses. I contacted the businesses right away to let them know what had happened, so whomever did it, could be stopped before they could charge a number of items up. I didn’t have to worry about getting charged myself, as I made it a practice never to charge anything online.

A few months went by without incident by the Google Lady, who would do things to me like take away my favorite webpage and tell me I couldn’t have it back unless I bargained for something she wanted in return. I always got back what ever she messed up thanks to the technical team at Internet Explorer.

One day I caught the Google Lady taking my files and putting them in folders. I told her I wanted them back. She told me, I couldn’t have them back unless I put them in one of four places of her choosing. I told her she was crazy and that I was going to report her to Microsoft’s PC safety department. By now with all the things she had done Microsoft’s PC safety department wanted me to write a letter to IC3.GOV. I wrote my letter and when I went to send it, the Google Lady deleted the address and put the Addison Jewelry Company in it’s place. Much to my shock, the Addison Jewelry Company was one of the contacts that was stolen from my hotmail account. Now I knew it was the Google Lady who hacked into my hotmail account.

I opened up a yahoo account just so I could have a place I could call my own; a place where I could go and write. I only had the account open for two days when on the second day I went to sign in and I couldn’t get in. I wrote yahoo and told them I was having a problem signing in. They asked me to verify my birthday. I told them and they said I was wrong. They asked me what my zip code was, I told them and again they said I was wrong. Now I had a case of identity theft. Computing was turning out to be a very stressful experience for me. I filed all the proper papers you need to file for identity theft and contacted the FBI and the credit services .

One day when I called Microsoft regarding a case number I had pending they recited the name and telephone number that they had attached to that case. I realized they had gotten me mixed up with the girl that stole my yahoo account. I played dumb and said, yes I am that girl. After all that was my case number. Now I had the name and phone number of the girl who stole my yahoo account. I called the girl’s phone number and just said identity theft and hung up. The next day all my files were messed up on my webpage. I am sure it was a direct result of the phone call I made the day before. I later find out that this girl is friends with the Google Lady.

Much to my surprise I got a new office program from Microsoft.They game me the MS professional office.I really liked it. I could use it for three months and then if I really liked it I could buy it. One day when I was in the second month of my new office my husband came home with a gift for me. It was the Microsoft Ultimate Office. I was so excited. The Ultimate Office has ten different modules, including a publishers office. Since I wanted to write, I thought this would be perfect for me. Little did I know that this was the beginning of the end to what the Google Lady was about to do to me.

All of a sudden I heard little clicks on the telephone. It seemed like someone was listening in on my conversations. I called the phone company to ask them what I could do about the situation. They said they could send someone out to check the phone lines but they would have to charge us for a service call of sixty dollars. Just my luck they would probably not find a tap on the phone and I was sure there was one.

There were a few other strange things that happened around the same time frame. I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and if we signed up for high speed broadband with AT&T he could assure me a very secure connection to our network. I also got a letter from Yahoo AT&T stating that we were to start high speed broadband service with them the very next day. I called Yahoo AT&T and told that I had not signed up with them nor did I plan to. The following day I received a router via FedEX with a letter from AT&T telling me to call and make an appointment to have the router installed for high speed broadband. Whoever was doing this didn’t know that we already had high speed broadband from Time Warner.

One evening, I was getting ready to use my computer to write off line when I noticed the computer was turned on. I opened the lid and much to my surprise I saw this meeting taking place in my office online in the one they call One Note. In One Note you can send information any where in the world in one note. I sat there and took six pages of notes while I watched this meeting taking place. The person in charge of the meeting was telling the people he wanted them to recruit one person from each department within Microsoft for their network. The purpose of the network was to steal Microsoft documents. He proceeded to tell them what kind of information he wanted and how to go about collecting it while they were in a Microsoft meeting. They were all given a task to do and a date to have it done by. In the second part of the meeting they were told to learn different ways to share files and which method would be best used to share files with other people in the network. They were also instructed to find a laptop that they love for the purpose of stealing the

uter. The very first time I opened up an internet account I opened it up in Google. I had this women on my webpage tell me she was my webmaster. What did I know I never had this experience before. I was in for a rude awakening.

'I told my husband about this women. My husband said, "the computer doesn't talk to you." I said, "I know,but there is this women on my gmail webpage and whenever I ask a question in the search bar she always writes back to me with an answer ". Before long the (Google Lady), for whom I nicknamed, began telling me what I could do and what I couldn’t do. I decided to call Google’s administrative office and ask them if it were possible for me to have a webmaster. They confirmed I did not.

I should have closed my account while I could. It seemed that although I knew she didn’t belong there I couldn’t get rid of her. Google also confirmed that she didn’t work for them. If she didn’t work for Google then why was she even in their building ? There were to many questions that I could not answer and in the mean time this women insisted she worked for Google. It never occurred to me that she might be a hacker.

I tried to let go of the situation so I wouldn’t get stressed out. After all, I still had a hotmail account. Then one day my hotmail account got hacked into. They only stole a couple of my contacts but the problem was the contacts they stole were businesses. I contacted the businesses right away to let them know what had happened, so whomever did it, could be stopped before they could charge a number of items up. I didn’t have to worry about getting charged myself, as I made it a practice never to charge anything online.

A few months went by without incident by the Google Lady, who would do things to me like take away my favorite webpage and tell me I couldn’t have it back unless I bargained for something she wanted in return. I always got back what ever she messed up thanks to the technical team at Internet Explorer.

One day I caught the Google Lady taking my files and putting them in folders. I told her I wanted them back. She told me, I couldn’t have them back unless I put them in one of four places of her choosing. I told her she was crazy and that I was going to report her to Microsoft’s PC safety department. By now with all the things she had done Microsoft’s PC safety department wanted me to write a letter to IC3.GOV. I wrote my letter and when I went to send it, the Google Lady deleted the address and put the Addison Jewelry Company in it’s place. Much to my shock, the Addison Jewelry Company was one of the contacts that was stolen from my hotmail account. Now I knew it was the Google Lady who hacked into my hotmail account.

I opened up a yahoo account just so I could have a place I could call my own; a place where I could go and write. I only had the account open for two days when on the second day I went to sign in and I couldn’t get in. I wrote yahoo and told them I was having a problem signing in. They asked me to verify my birthday. I told them and they said I was wrong. They asked me what my zip code was, I told them and again they said I was wrong. Now I had a case of identity theft. Computing was turning out to be a very stressful experience for me. I filed all the proper papers you need to file for identity theft and contacted the FBI and the credit services .

One day when I called Microsoft regarding a case number I had pending they recited the name and telephone number that they had attached to that case. I realized they had gotten me mixed up with the girl that stole my yahoo account. I played dumb and said, yes I am that girl. After all that was my case number. Now I had the name and phone number of the girl who stole my yahoo account. I called the girl’s phone number and just said identity theft and hung up. The next day all my files were messed up on my webpage. I am sure it was a direct result of the phone call I made the day before. I later find out that this girl is friends with the Google Lady.

Much to my surprise I got a new office program from Microsoft.They game me the MS professional office.I really liked it. I could use it for three months and then if I really liked it I could buy it. One day when I was in the second month of my new office my husband came home with a gift for me. It was the Microsoft Ultimate Office. I was so excited. The Ultimate Office has ten different modules, including a publishers office. Since I wanted to write, I thought this would be perfect for me. Little did I know that this was the beginning of the end to what the Google Lady was about to do to me.

All of a sudden I heard little clicks on the telephone. It seemed like someone was listening in on my conversations. I called the phone company to ask them what I could do about the situation. They said they could send someone out to check the phone lines but they would have to charge us for a service call of sixty dollars. Just my luck they would probably not find a tap on the phone and I was sure there was one.

There were a few other strange things that happened around the same time frame. I got a call from a man who said he was with AT&T and if we signed up for high speed broadband with AT&T he could assure me a very secure connection to our network. I also got a letter from Yahoo AT&T stating that we were to start high speed broadband service with them the very next day. I called Yahoo AT&T and told that I had not signed up with them nor did I plan to. The following day I received a router via FedEX with a letter from AT&T telling me to call and make an appointment to have the router installed for high speed broadband. Whoever was doing this didn’t know that we already had high speed broadband from Time Warner.

One evening, I was getting ready to use my computer to write off line when I noticed the computer was turned on. I opened the lid and much to my surprise I saw this meeting taking place in my office online in the one they call One Note. In One Note you can send information any where in the world in one note. I sat there and took six pages of notes while I watched this meeting taking place. The person in charge of the meeting was telling the people he wanted them to recruit one person from each department within Microsoft for their network. The purpose of the network was to steal Microsoft documents. He proceeded to tell them what kind of information he wanted and how to go about collecting it while they were in a Microsoft meeting. They were all given a task to do and a date to have it done by. In the second part of the meeting they were told to learn different ways to share files and which method would be best used to share files with other people in the network. They were also instructed to find a laptop that they love for the purpose of stealing the

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Computer Conspiracy


Little did I know what I was about to get myself into when I decided to learn how to use the computer. The very first time I opened up an internet account I opened it up in Google. I had this women on my webpage tell me she was my webmaster. What did I know  I never had this experience before I was in for a rude awakening

I told my husband about this women. My husband said," the computer doesn’t talk to you.” I said ,"I know but there is this women on my gmail webpage and when ever I ask a question in the search bar she always writes back to me with the answer." Before long the (Google Lady) for whom I nicknamed  began telling me what I could do and what I couldn’t do. I decided to call Google’s administrative office and ask them if it were possible for me to have a webmaster. They confirmed I did not

I should have closed my account while I could. It seemed that although I knew she didn’t belong there I couldn’t get rid of her. Google also confirmed that she didn’t work for them. If she didn’t work for Google then why was she even in the building.? There were too many questions that I could not answer and in the mean time this women insisted she worked for Google. It never occurred to me that she might be a hacker.

 I tried to let go of the situation so I wouldn’t get stressed out. After all I still has a hotmail account. Then one day my hotmail account got hacked into. They only stole a couple of my contacts but the problem was the contacts they stole were businesses. I contacted the businesses right away to let them know what had happened, so whomever did it could be stopped before they could charge a number of items up. I didn’t have to worry about getting charged myself as I made it a practice never to charge anything online.

A few months went by without incident by the Google Lady, who would do things to me like take away my favorite webpage and tell me I couldn’t have it back unless I bargained for something she wanted in return. I always got back what ever she messed up thanks to the technical team at Internet Explorer.

One day I caught the Google Lady taking my files and putting them in folders. I told her I wanted them back. She told me I couldn’t have them back unless I put them in one of four places of her choosing. I told her she was crazy and that I was going to report her to Microsoft’s PC safety department. By now with all the things she had done Microsoft’s PC safety department wanted me to write a letter to IC3.GOV. I wrote my letter and when I went to send it the Google Lady deleted the address and put the Addison Jewelry Company in it’s place. Much to my shock the Addison Jewelry Company was one of the contacts that was stolen from my hotmail account. Now I knew it was the Google Lady who hacked my hotmail account.

I opened up a yahoo account just so I could have a place I could call my own, a place where I could go and write. I only had the account open for two days when on the second day I went to sign in and I couldn’t get in. I wrote yahoo and told them I was having a problem signing in. They asked me to verify my birthday. I told them and they said I was wrong. They asked me what my zip code was, I told them and again they said I was wrong. Now I had a case of identity theft. Computing was turning out to be a very stressful experience for me. I filed all the proper papers you need to file for identity theft and contacted the FBI and the credit services .

One day when I called Microsoft regarding a case number I had pending they recited the name and telephone number that they had attached to that case. I realized they had gotten me mixed up with the girl that stole my yahoo account. I played dumb and said, yes I am that girl. After all that was my case number. Now I had the name and phone number of the girl who stole my yahoo account. I called the girl’s phone number and just said identity theft and hung up. The next day all my files were messed up on my webpage. I am sure it was a direct result of the phone call I made the day before. I find out later that this girl is friends with the Google Lady.

Tune in with me tlauren for segment two of The Computer Conspiracy, I Have Been Hacked. Will I find out why the Google Lady is hacking my computer and what she is after.?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Compuer Hacking

11:30 AM

I am plublishing this article because it is about cyber crime. This may be the only way I can get the government and Microsoft to notice a very bad situation and go after the hackers that have hacked our computers and our network over the last 24 months.